Empowering Communities With Profits
Community Fund 101
At CommunityFund.ca we buy local franchises to generate profit and cash flow for your local community.
Through capturing the everyday spending at community franchises we create a pool of profit to reinvest and build the local community.
We use a portion of the community profits to buy stocks in publicly traded corporations. Empowering local communities with corporate voting rights and dividends.
With Communities owning corporate shares they use their voting rights to elect board members, CEO’s and hold corporations accountable. We are decentralizing the power and profits of corporations into local communities, creating a decentralized Economic Democracy of independent profitable communities owning corporations.
We Help Communities Thrive
Through buying local franchises, we capture the spending in the community, to generate profit for your community. We build local ‘For Profit’ communities, that keeps your spending in the community and help your local community thrive. Building healthy, prosperous, profitable communities across the nation where simple everyday spending becomes a contribution that strengthens your community.
Building Profitable Communities
Watch the video above for an extended look at the benefits of building with the Community Fund.

Let’s Build Your Community
Building a Prosperous Nation Through Profitable Communities.

Healthy Communities, Healthy Nation
For Profit, For You
We buy profitable businesses for the community. It’s not as hard as you think. Keeping the money you spend in the community, for the community.
Independent Communities
Decentralized Independent For Profit Communities. We build strong, decentralized, independent, profitable communities. Making your money and spending have a voice.
Economic Democracy
We buy voting shares in major corporations for communities. Giving communities a democratic vote and voice in the economy and a say in the governance of corporations.
Full Transparency
Without Full Financial Transparency there is no Accountability. With Financial Transparency the books are open to everyone. They can see what is working, what is not and what we can do better.
Learn About Local Community Funds
Community Profit
It’s time to start building a new revenue stream for communities. Through buying local franchises, everyday spending, becomes a contribution to building stronger, more resilient, sustainable local community. By owning franchises we create a funnel for local spending to stay in the community and generate cash flow for the community to use for their growth and benefit. Franchises become profitable assets to everyone. CommunityFund.ca is committed to building Strong, Independent, Profitable Communities across the nation.
Seeding Profitable Communities
We need to organize as individuals, communities and a nation if we want a better world. The Community Fund focuses our energy, time, and money to seeding and building long term financially stable communities. Through buying profitable assets that generate revenue for communities and their members we create profitable, healthy, prosperous independent communities, leading to a prosperous healthy nation. By becoming a member or purchasing products for the Community Fund Online store the proceeds go to seeding profitable, financially sustainable communities across the Nation.
Independent Profitable Communities
The foundation of a healthy nation is having healthy, prosperous communities. By building independent profitable communities generating revenue day in and day out, communities can profit from there own spending to provide the funds that are needed to build a truly prosperous society. We can longer afford to build our communities solely through debt and taxes, that are placing a heavy burden on all of us and the generations to come. The founding of a For Profit community in your local community is the foundation to building a prosperous community and a prosperous Nation.
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Many Hands Make Light Loads
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Every contribution counts. Give a little more each month and accelerate the building of Profitable Communities and Economic Democracy.
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Let’s get it done. You have the money to spend and want healthy, sustainable, profitable communities now!